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Get support finding music with Trackhunter

If you're having problems using Trackhunter then take a look at the frequently asked questions below. If you don't find something that helps then please do get in touch with us and we're sure we'll be able to help.

Close up of Trackhunter on iPhone screenshot

Announcements and Known Issues

August 2024

The UI update and new version of Trackhunter is progressing well and the test build is complete for Windows, iOS, Mac and Android. I've been using the test build on all those platforms for the last few months and it's working well and in a very stable state.

I had originally planned to split the work up into two phases with phase one covering just Windows and iOS, however the UI framework that Trackhunter has moved to is new and had too many bugs so I decided to merge both phases to give the developers time to fix the framework bugs.

This means there is now only 1 phase and the majority of the work is complete. There are 7 oustanding "must fix" framework bugs that need to be resolved before I can proceed to the step of submission to the Apple, Google and Windows Stores. I'm now working with the framework developers to get these bugs resolved.

Almost there!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I send a report for support?

To send an application report so you can get help from support do the following process:

  1. Start Trackhunter
  2. Switch debugging on by going to the Help menu and choosing Debug Mode (a tick should appear next to Debug Mode when it’s on)
  3. While debugging is switched on, do whatever it is in Trackhunter that isn’t working so the relevant information can be captured
  4. Then, send a report by going back to the Help menu and choosing Send App Report
  5. You should get a response from support within 24 hours (maybe more at weekends or holiday periods)
Sometimes it won’t skip in Fast Listen mode

Some streams are quite slow and if your Fast Listen settings are set to skip before the stream has sent the preview data Trackhunter will not be able to skip the track. If you are experiencing this then you can preload the tracks from the Tracks menu to stop this happening.

It wont fetch any new tracks

If you are using the Get Latest (Followed) option then only tracks by Artists or Labels you are following that have been released recently will be fetched. Unless you are following a lot of artists and labels chances are much of the time no new tracks will be fetched. If you are using the Get Latest option then make sure you are not ignoring the genres you have chosen in the Settings > Sources menu.

There is no cover art when I try to tag a track

Occasionally cover art cannot be found for some tracks, if that happens just find the appropriate image on the internet somewhere and copy and paste the URL (of the image file not the page) into the Cover Art field then click the download button. The cover art should be displayed and you can now tag the track as normal.

How can I get my store added to Trackhunter?

All the details you need to get your store added to Trackhunter can be found in this document. Just make sure your store satisfies these requirements and we'll be happy to consider your store for inclusion.

How can I only get music from my favourite artists or labels?

You can follow specific Artists or Labels. You can either choose to follow Artists or Labels from the Playlist by right clicking a track and choosing Follow. Or go to the Settings menu and choose the Filters option. If you wanted to follow tracks on the label “Muzic Recordings” then you would create a filter with the following settings:

Action: Follow, Type: contains, Value: Muzic Recordings

You should then use the Get Latest (Followed) option to look for new music by your followed artists and labels

It wont play any of the tracks on the playlist

If the General Setting “Show Messages On Playback Error” is not selected then Trackhunter will simply skip any tracks it can’t play without reporting an error. Also if “Don’t Stream From The Internet” is selected and the tracks are not preloaded then Trackhunter won’t play them.

It takes a long time to find all the new tracks

Now there are so many sources Trackhunter uses to find new music it can take a long time to search through them all. This is especially true if you choose a lot of genres. You can reduce the number of sources you use as it won’t use a source if there are no genres selected for it. However, you may find some sources are better for certain genres then others and after using Trackhunter for a while you’ll get to know which sources are best and can streamline your sources and genres.

My songs are not marked as listened when I reopen Trackhunter

Songs marked as listened are removed from the playlist when you shut down Trackhunter. It still remembers your “listened” tracks but just doesn’t display them in your playlist any more.

Are there any Hotkeys that can be used to control playback?
Yes in the Windows version the following Hotkeys are available. (N)ext, Next Artist (Space), (P)revious, (S)kip, (A)dd to Shortlist, (R)emove from Shortlist and (T)oggle Fast Listen Mode. When on the “Remote” window these are global hotkeys so will be active even when the window doesn’t have focus. The Mac version has the same Hotkeys you just need to use the "Ctrl" key so Ctrl+N would be Next etc.

Can't find the answer?

If you can't find an answer then feel free to get in touch via email at support@trackhunter.co.uk.

We recommend email but we do monitor our socials too.

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We’re looking for enthusiastic YOUNG dance music DJs to take part in a research study to understand how DJs discover new dance tracks.
We need DJs who are building a career in the music business and actively growing their fanbase.

If you're interested and are between 18 to 30 years old then we want to hear from you please.
We're not being ageist we've simply got enough 30+ DJs :)

I'm interested